7 reasons why your best friend’s family is absolutely awesome


1. You can walk into their home yelling “HEY MOM AND DAD”

…and they secretly like it 

2You can vent all of your problems to them, and they’ll give you the same advice your parents gave you.

(Yeah, the advice you ignored when your real parents told you so.)
3. You have a whole other set of grandparents to tell you crazy stories.
Mostly things you probably shouldn’t do
4You have 2 families coming to all of your sporting events to cheer for you.
And they are the family that brings blow up head signs of your best friend.. seriously..
5. They ask about you and how you are doing more then they ask about your friend at the dinner table.
And vice versa
6. You get invited to all the family events
(We all know you’re just there to be entertained by the craziness)
7Most importantly- They love your best friend more than you do, which is almost impossible.
love you Eve! xoxo

Why Youth Group Was the Best Place Ever

So when you hear youth group you probably think of a bunch of “church kids,” and some old people throwing Bibles at us. Well maybe not, but I definitely had my idea of what youth group would be like before going. 
Honestly, I don’t remember why I even went. I didn’t want to but I was told by my pastor to come bowling and that it would be “fun,” so I did. (I was also told there would be a Kennywood trip so I mean, why not right ?) The only problem was that I needed a ride. So my pastor told me he’d pick me up… long story short he did not. Instead he sent 2 youth leaders, whom I never met, to come get me. I remember getting into the car and feeling extremely scared. But I was laughing within 5 minutes. Little did I’d become so close with them, and how much they’d help me grow as a person and in Christ. It only took about 2 minutes after walking in the door to feel welcomed. I met so many people, and I absolutely couldn’t wait to go to Kennywood that weekend.
Finally the Kennywood trip came. I remember getting into a van with a bunch of people I’d never really talked to and only met earlier that week bowling. I remember thinking “woah I didn’t know pastors could be this cool?” And no he didn’t pay me to say that, I genuinely did.  I remember that same pastor offering to pay one of the boys if he’d just stop talking (not naming any names, we all know who) But one of the best parts was meeting one of my best friends, having no idea that almost 3 years later we’d still be close. I talk to her almost everyday about anything. Good or bad she is who I go to.
What I found out over the years is how amazing youth group really was. It was not a bunch of “church kids,” and it was more the just “fun.” Fun is an understatement because it was amazing. And the highlight of my week. I loved Tuesday’s because I got to see all of my people and hear about Jesus.
I did not realize on June 24th, 2014 how much my church’s youth group would impact me. I’ve made so many amazing memories there, and I’m so very thankful. I could be in the worst mood, or come from a horrible practice and they made my night so much better. We broke things, and made all kinds of messes, ate a lot of food, even TPed our pastors car. But most importantly I grew as a person and closer to Christ. The friends I made through youth group are ones I will have for an eternity. I can come to them with anything, when I need to rant about someone at school that made me mad or just a hug and a shoulder to cry on. They are my forever family. (Even though they wouldn’t tell me what I wanted to hear but instead told me what’s I NEEDED to hear)



Thank you for all the laughs, and the hugs, and even the competitiveness you brought out in me. I love you all.

God is doing some amazing work at C3
I  can’t wait for the next step and coming back as a leader ❤

An Open Letter to the Person Who Hurt Me

I’m sure after reading this title you already have someone in mind. If you have feelings of hatred and anger, then this letter is probably not what you think it is going to be.
When this person comes to my mind, I no longer have feelings of sadness or anger. Oh how I did though, but now my life is different.
So to you who hurt me,
Before when I thought of you I would be filled with anxiety, panic attacks, sadness, and lots and lots of anger. You hurt me and upset me. To be honest you made me feel absolutely worthless in ways no one should feel. So what do I have to say to that? Thank you. Thank you for bringing me to my absolute worst, because what I found down there is my absolute best. When I was at rock bottom with no other choice but to lift my head and look up I found so much more then you ever offered to me. I thought you made me a better person, I thought when I confided in you I was strong. But what I found after you knocked me down was so much more then that.
I am stronger. 
After knocking me down, I learned to be independent. I learned to trust myself and be more confident in who I was. Sure I made mistakes I probably wouldn’t have made if I had your guidance, but those mistakes made me even better. Without you I learned to stand on my own two feet. I never realized how much you knocked me down, until I was able to stand up straight.
I am wiser.
After knocking me down, I realized how I should be treated- which was definitely not happening before. I stopped letting people walk all over me. I stood up for myself, and what I believed in. I no longer felt worthless, because I knew I was worth something. And that I do not deserve any less.
I have better relationships. 
After knocking me down, I learned so much about myself. I learned how to be confident. You hurt me, a lot. Instead of letting that make me curl up into a ball and hide my heart away, I become more open. I trusted my close friends and because of it I appreciate them so much more. I never realized how amazing friendships were until I saw what they were suppose to be. I learned how to love, and how to trust people without letting them hurt me they way I was before.
Most importantly- 
I am happier.  
After knocking me down I learned to love life. I learned to love every single part of it, and appreciate the people who stuck through the hard times to see the good ones. I grew closer to God, and closer to people I would never have because of you. I don’t hate you, in fact I wish you the best. I no longer am filled with anger when I hear your name. Sometimes I even smile when you some little thing reminds me of you. I’m happier now because of you, even if that meant opening a new chapter in my life that you are no longer apart of. Thank you for everything. The laughs, the tears, and even the lesson that was taught in an unexpected way.
Sweet memories and best wishes,

But first…


America ~ 18 ~ WV ~ 4-H ~ Jesus


Just a page to write some thoughts down. The writing isn’t perfect and my grammar is far from correct most of the time. But it is for fun, so nothing else really matters.