An Open Letter to the Person Who Hurt Me

I’m sure after reading this title you already have someone in mind. If you have feelings of hatred and anger, then this letter is probably not what you think it is going to be.
When this person comes to my mind, I no longer have feelings of sadness or anger. Oh how I did though, but now my life is different.
So to you who hurt me,
Before when I thought of you I would be filled with anxiety, panic attacks, sadness, and lots and lots of anger. You hurt me and upset me. To be honest you made me feel absolutely worthless in ways no one should feel. So what do I have to say to that? Thank you. Thank you for bringing me to my absolute worst, because what I found down there is my absolute best. When I was at rock bottom with no other choice but to lift my head and look up I found so much more then you ever offered to me. I thought you made me a better person, I thought when I confided in you I was strong. But what I found after you knocked me down was so much more then that.
I am stronger. 
After knocking me down, I learned to be independent. I learned to trust myself and be more confident in who I was. Sure I made mistakes I probably wouldn’t have made if I had your guidance, but those mistakes made me even better. Without you I learned to stand on my own two feet. I never realized how much you knocked me down, until I was able to stand up straight.
I am wiser.
After knocking me down, I realized how I should be treated- which was definitely not happening before. I stopped letting people walk all over me. I stood up for myself, and what I believed in. I no longer felt worthless, because I knew I was worth something. And that I do not deserve any less.
I have better relationships. 
After knocking me down, I learned so much about myself. I learned how to be confident. You hurt me, a lot. Instead of letting that make me curl up into a ball and hide my heart away, I become more open. I trusted my close friends and because of it I appreciate them so much more. I never realized how amazing friendships were until I saw what they were suppose to be. I learned how to love, and how to trust people without letting them hurt me they way I was before.
Most importantly- 
I am happier.  
After knocking me down I learned to love life. I learned to love every single part of it, and appreciate the people who stuck through the hard times to see the good ones. I grew closer to God, and closer to people I would never have because of you. I don’t hate you, in fact I wish you the best. I no longer am filled with anger when I hear your name. Sometimes I even smile when you some little thing reminds me of you. I’m happier now because of you, even if that meant opening a new chapter in my life that you are no longer apart of. Thank you for everything. The laughs, the tears, and even the lesson that was taught in an unexpected way.
Sweet memories and best wishes,

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